When You Have Bike Hair & You Do Care

Prevent It
You plan ahead to reduce post-biking hair maintenance.- Keep your hair smooth and out of your face by wearing a stretchy headband.
- A bandanna allows your helmet to fit more comfortably and helps keep your layers, or bangs, from tangling or hanging in your face.
- For longer hair, gather your damp hair at the nape of your neck and either braid tightly, or twist into a tight knot. Release your wavy hair after your ride.
Fix It
You decide that helmet hair is inevitable, so you deal with it after the ride.- Many people choose braids to manage their mane. If you want to spend a little more time on your braid, there are a variety of other braiding options besides the standard braid.
- Other hairstyles to consider for longer hair after you?ve taken off your helmet include a French twist or a topknot.
- Slip into the bathroom and wet your hair down for a sleek style, or just ensure you?ve removed most of the tangles and rock a messy bun.
Hide It
You decide your hair is hopeless to fix, or you just don?t care. That doesn?t mean you can?t still look pretty awesome.- Put on a ball cap. Either tuck your hair underneath or pull it through the back in a ponytail.
- Leave your bandanna on when you get off the bike and allow the cool design on the fabric to distract from your messy hair.
- Ignore your disorderly hairdo and slip on some sexy shades. If anyone dares to raise a brow at your hair, glare over the rim.