What Should You Think About While Planning Your Motorcycle Trip?

Start at the End
Choose your destination and work backwards as you plan your trip. Once you determine where you want to go and outline your route, calculate the length of your ride in miles and approximate hours of travel. Be sure to consider your comfort level when you decide how long of a stretch you plan to ride before you need to stop for a break, or for the day. This will help narrow down the length of your trip for planning.Be Sure to Include Enough Time?
- To stop for gas
- For rest stops
- Just to stretch your legs
- To enjoy the scenery
- So you can check out local attractions in the area
Enjoy the Journey
Mapping out the route is important and there are many?sites?to help you plan your trip, but don?t forget to allow extra time for your personal preferences to make your ride as unique as you.Take Your Motorcycle Trip from Ordinary to Extraordinary?
- Do you prefer riding the highway or off road?
- Consider traffic patterns and potential scenic views
- A little?research?on the best stops, accommodations and road quality can make the trip more pleasant.
- Don?t forget to read restaurant reviews, or better yet?find a local hotspot to make your trip memorable
- Engage with other riders online and ask about their experiences
- Try to replicate the highs and avoid the lows to make your trip outstanding
- Where will you stay? At a hotel? With friends? Camping?
- Check out local events nearby
Be Prepared
When you?re deciding what you need to bring, consider how much storage space you have available. Whether you have saddlebags or a?backpack, it?s best to pack lightweight clothing for layering.Safety First
- Make room for a basic first aid kit
- Ensure you have a GPS or mobile app
- Pack extra?sunglasses?so you don?t miss any awesome views if you lose yours
- Snacks?For quick energy and to have your personal favorites
- Phone charger?An extra battery is a plus
- Emergency motorcycle tool kit?Don?t forget to give your motorcycle a once over before you go
- Cash?Because some places still don?t take plastic
- Rain gear and extra clothes for longer trips?Because Mother Nature can be fickle and change the forecast after you?ve left home