Is The Headless Horseman Scarier on a Motorcycle?

The New Metal Roaring Steed
Despite being written centuries ago, and recounted similarly in German and Indian Folklore alike, the plot is revived with a few tweaks. Now in popular culture the horseman?s steed has become a motorcycle. We can?t say we weren?t surprised?we all know motorcycles are badass.
Because?Motorcycles. Enough Said.
The headless horseman has ditched the horse for the speed of a motorcycle. Why? Because not much is more frightening than the thunder of a bike ripping down a dark path. Except for maybe a headless biker trailing you. (Most likely Ichabod would be even more terrified.)
Modern Day Horseman
- The comic book series Chopper, reimagined the headless horseman in the modern day as a headless outlaw biker on a motorcycle who collects the souls of sinners.
- The Kolchak: The Night Stalker episode “Chopper” features a headless motorcyclist. He seeks revenge for the loss of his head 20 years after his murder.
Photo Credit CC Pixabay ronymichaud
- Maybe not a headless horseman, but we can?t overlook mentioning the movie Ghost Rider with Nicolas Cage starring as Blaze. (This is based on a character of the same name from the Marvel Comics.)?Can?t get much more badass than roaring in on a motorcycle as the Devil?s bounty hunter.